Hello and happy weekend! Thanks for all the enthusiastic comments and emails about my return to blogging - I can't promise to blog everyday but I will try my best to keep the momentum up!
Thought I would answer a few questions on this topic. I occasionally get emails asking what the heck is up, sometimes from people I know, sometimes from blog friends, and sometimes from complete strangers. I read and love them all :)
Here's the deal; me and scrapbooking, we kind of needed some space. Truthfully, I became very disheartened with the industry as a whole, and I just got burnt out. I couldn't keep cranking out pages I wasn't feeling good about, pages that falsely portrayed a happy, perfect life. My life is far from that. It's real and it's messy. Sure, there are moments of perfection and happiness, mixed in with everything else!
I also went through allllllllll of my scrapbooks and any page that didn't tell a story or was just created to showcase product, got the heave-ho. Huge relief.
Any product I didn't love was sent on its way.
So now, I scrapbook a bit. I always have a page to accompany my article and I do scrapbooking digitally a fair amount, but that's really it.
This page appeared in my Winter article:
And this page is in the new SCT / PageMaps Calendar and could quite possibly be my favourite page of all time. I love those shots so much and the colour scheme is really fun too:
That assignent came at a time when I felt creatively depleted, so I love it even more now :)
So, I don't really scrapbook a whole lot anymore, and I'm ok with that. You can't force creativity. It'll come back when and if it's ready.
Oh, and for those of you who asked why I wouldn't be at ScrapFest Kitchener, I was all set to head back and a conflict arose. Sometimes life just works that way, sorry ladies! It will, no doubt, be a spectacular event with or without me, Lisa and her team are top notch :)
BTW don't forget to enter my giveaway on yesterday's post, it's super cute!
Have a wonderful weekend, ladies:)