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November 14, 2008


Cari Locken

Missed you!!!

Man your daughters are so beautiful Kathy. But then again, I'm sure you already knew that. ;)
Ok, let's see what I can bold on that list!


Tee-Hee..I just did the list, and you know what?
Our intros are very similar too...I didn't copy you I swear!...lol..how are you?


great list! just added mine to my blog...


Hey Kathy!!
I did mine this morning......nice to see you blogging:)


What a fun list!!! Gorgeous girls and photography! :)

Paula Maisey

Rebecca and Emma are simply gorgeous in this photo of the two of them. How lovely to have a photo with the two of them together.

Julie G

Kathy, could your girls be any more gorgeous?? Their smiles are contageous!!!! Beautiful photos!!!

Heather M.

What a fun list! LOVE those photos!


beautiful layouts & cards KT! Rebecca is looking so grown up in those photos - wow!

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